Why not consider adding an extra day to your split and training your biceps and triceps together in the same workout?
The focus here is to address the upper arms while you are both physically and mentally fresh with the aim being to saturate them with as much de-oxygenated blood as possible while achieving optimum muscle stimulus!
You can do this one of two ways, you may wish to mix and match:
1) Alternate prioritising each muscle group, so week 1 you start with biceps, followed by triceps 10-15 working sets of each. Week 2 begin with triceps, followed by biceps – again using the same working volume.
2) Super-Set between biceps and triceps, also alternating between priorities from week to week. Super-Setting is when you pair-up 2 exercises (1 for biceps and 1 for triceps).
After failure is reached for the initial movement (for example Preacher curls), you go straight on to the second exercise within 10 seconds (for example Tricep pull-downs), again to failure. Throughout the workout you may pair up 3-4 different movements together, completing 3-4 working sets of each exercise while alternating the muscle groups.
This approach to upper arm training will not only guarantee a step forward in your arm development, but also aid your chest, back and shoulders (whatever you usually train biceps or triceps with) and they’ll potentially come on in leaps and bounds.
How? Simply because if your sole aim is to train chest, back or shoulders it will naturally become your 100% focus and you will not sub-consciously hold energy back in reserve for the biceps or triceps (which are often trained when you are physically and mentally tired).
You will inevitably find yourself completing several extra working sets and increasing intensity which not only breaks more muscle down, but also burns more calories – it’s a win-win!
Final note – it’s probably stating the obvious but the upper arm is made up of 5 muscles of similar size, as their names suggest 3 are found within the (tri)ceps, 2 within the (bi)ceps. So, 60% of the fibres are located toward the back of the arm, 40% to the front. Your training should reflect this with 2-3 additional sets factored in for the triceps.
Disclaimer: All exercises on this site are intended for healthy individuals without any present medical conditions. If you are currently experiencing any bone, joint, or musculoskeletal pain, we advise you to consult a licensed health care professional prior to commencing any of the exercises suggested within this site. The author, editor, and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility and liability for any injury arising from the use and application of the information provided within this site.
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